Examination of Pap Smear as A Screening Lesion of Cervical in Muaro Pijoan Village Working Area of Puskesmas Sungai Duren, Muaro Jambi District, Jambi Provence

Fairuz, Fairuz and Dewi, Hasna and Kalsum, Ummi (2019) Examination of Pap Smear as A Screening Lesion of Cervical in Muaro Pijoan Village Working Area of Puskesmas Sungai Duren, Muaro Jambi District, Jambi Provence. Earth and Environmental Science (519). IOP Publishing, International Conference Earth Science and Energy IOP Conf series.

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— Cervical cancer is a primary savage tumor that comes from squamous epithelial cells. It is the second killer after mammae cancer for women in growth countries include Indonesia. The incidence of cervical cancer is increasing in Indonesia that is become one of the causes of death of women in their productive age. Pap smear is one of method of cervical cancer screening which is efficacious, simple, and cost effective. By applying pap smear in developed countries, the incidence of invasive cervical cancer has been reduced around 46-76% and the mortality has been declining around 50-60%. This study aimed to description clinicocytopathology of pap smear in Muaro jambi village, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi, Jambi provence. This is prospective descriptive observation study at Pathology Anatomic Departement of Medical Faculty Jambi University. The data was taken from all woman that has been done pap smear in Puskesamas Sungai Duren Kabupaten Muaro Jambi in July 2018. The range distribution of patients was found in 22.00-62.00 years, multiparity woman (75.0%) with cervicitis chronis non spesific (37,0%) and Negative for Intraepithelial Lesion (NILM) (34,0%), only 20 woman with Atypical Squamous Cell of Undetermined Significance (ASCUS), 1 woman with Low Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (LSIL) and 1 woman with High Grade Squamous Intraepitrhelial Lesion (HSIL) as moderate dyplasia. The highest distribution abnormalities of squamous epithelial cell was 41 years old, multipara (100%). Moderate dysplasia (HSIL) was woman with hormonal contraception. The incidence abnormal epithelial cervix cell was highest on 46 years old woman, with hormonal contraception and multiparity. The description of abnormal epithelial cervix cells were found to be ASCUS

Type: Book
Subjects: R Medicine > RS Pharmacy and materia medica
Depositing User: Fairuz
Date Deposited: 02 Sep 2020 06:34
Last Modified: 02 Sep 2020 06:34
URI: https://repository.unja.ac.id/id/eprint/13516

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