Soma, Robi (2018) Using Inductive and Mechanical Drills Strategies to Develop Students' Ability in Using English Active and Passive Voice. English Empower: Journal of Linguistics and Literature, 03 (02). pp. 92-99. ISSN 2528-3898
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I'he ob"jective of the strLd-v lvas to see i,vhether teaching active ancl passive voice using Inductive Strategy was better than that of fulechanical Drills. The population of this study r,vas ail the second year students of SMU Negeri 3 PalemI:ang in the academic year 2AA1l2AA2. The sample compriseci 40 sfudents chosen on the basis pre-tesl result raglng fiom 3.t) to 6.1 i:nd those rvho rlid not take English course out of school actj.r.ity. The students rvere rlivicled into the Experirnental group r,vhich rvas taught using Incluctive Strategy and the Control group w'liich i,vas taught using Mechanicai Drills Strategy. Each group consisted of 20 students namelyl0 males and 10 females. To collect the clata, pre-test and post-te st r',,ere given belbre and aller doing the treatment and the-v were anaiyzed using SPSS program. Tiie result of this sfud-v proved that therc was no significant diffbrencc ir.r achievement betw'een the str"rdents rvho were taught active and passive voice using lnductive Strategy and those tvho wcre taught using Mechanical Dlills Strateg-v. In other u,ords, the tu,o strategies have the same effee'tiveness in teaching active and passive voice material. Keyrvords: Active and passive voir:e, intlur:tive stratr:g1,, tnechanicsl drills stt'ategv
Type: | Article |
Subjects: | P Language and Literature > PE English |
Divisions: | Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris |
Depositing User: | ROBI SOMA |
Date Deposited: | 22 Mar 2021 19:14 |
Last Modified: | 22 Mar 2021 19:14 |
URI: | |
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