A Study of Second Language Communication Strategies Used by Students of English Study Club (ESC) at Jambi University

Arini, Annisa Putri A Study of Second Language Communication Strategies Used by Students of English Study Club (ESC) at Jambi University. Language Learning.


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The purpose of this qualitative research is to investigate communication strategies employed by EFL students when they werefacing communication breakdownrelated to students’ proficiency level. In particular, this research attempted to answer the questions: (1) What are the communication strategies used by students of ESC at Jambi University? (2) Does speaking proficiency influence students in using communication strategies?The data were collected from nine participants, involving five students with lower proficiency and four students with higher proficiency level. The observations were done by video/audio recording. The data collected were based on their performance in a discussion group. The findings show that each student favors different kind of strategies. It is also found that the lower level studentsused a higher number of CSs than those with higher proficient.

Type: Article
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Date Deposited: 11 Oct 2017 07:11
Last Modified: 11 Oct 2017 07:11
URI: https://repository.unja.ac.id/id/eprint/2150

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