Akhmad Habibi
Publication date
Journal of English Literacy Education
Abstract: This study was aimed at analysing the implementation of teaching and learning process
as one of the standard of process parts in the 2013 Curriculum. This was a qualitative study with
a case study approach conducted at SMA Negeri 3 Jambi. Three English teachers and 237 students
of grade XI were involved as the participants. The data were collected through interview with
the teachers, observation, students' questionnaire, and document review. To assess the trustworthiness
of this study, the researcher did triangulation, member checking and reflexivity.The ...
as one of the standard of process parts in the 2013 Curriculum. This was a qualitative study with
a case study approach conducted at SMA Negeri 3 Jambi. Three English teachers and 237 students
of grade XI were involved as the participants. The data were collected through interview with
the teachers, observation, students' questionnaire, and document review. To assess the trustworthiness
of this study, the researcher did triangulation, member checking and reflexivity.The ...
Scholar articles
A Habibi - Journal of English Literacy Education, 2016
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