Efektivitas Feed Additive Herbal Dalam Ransum Broiler Sebagai Upaya Menurunkan Lemak Abdominal dan Kadar Kolesterol (Effectiveness of Herbl Feed Addtive in Broilera Rations as Efforts to Reduce Abdominal Fat and Cholesterol Contents)

Haroen, Ucop and Anas Sumadya, Wiwaha (2017) Efektivitas Feed Additive Herbal Dalam Ransum Broiler Sebagai Upaya Menurunkan Lemak Abdominal dan Kadar Kolesterol (Effectiveness of Herbl Feed Addtive in Broilera Rations as Efforts to Reduce Abdominal Fat and Cholesterol Contents). Universitas Jambi. ISBN 978-602-14989-0-3

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Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh tepung limbah jus jeruk dan tepung kunyit dalam ransum sebagai upaya menurunkan lemak abdominal dan kadar kolesterol serta mencari taraf optimal tepung limbah jus jeruk dan tepung kunyit dalam ransum. 240 ekor ayam broiler tanpa dibedakan jenis kelamin strain Arbor Acres CP-707, kemudian ditempatkan secara acak yang terdiri 6 perlakuan level tepung limbah jus jeruk dan tepung kunyit (OWJ-TP) dalam ransum dipeliharan selama 42 hari. Masing-masing perlakuan diberi notasi P0 = 0% OWJ+ 0%TP; P1 = 5% OWJ + 0%TP; P2 = 10% OWJ + 0% TP; P3 = 0% OWJ + 2% TP, P4 = 5% OWJ + 2%TP dan P5 = 10% OWJ+2% TP. Ransum yang diberi 0% OWJ+0% TP hanya digunakan sebagai kontrol. Pertumbuhan ayam broiler dari semua perlakuan sama. Tetapi penambahan 10% OWJ + 2% TP dalam ransum nyata menurunkan pertambahan bobot badan dan konsumsi ransum. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemmberian ransum dengan taraf penggunaan 10% OWJ + 2% TP (P5) pada umur 42 hari nyata menurunkan lemak abdominal, kolesterol karkas. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan OWJ-TP yang semakin meningkat dapat menurunkan lemak abdominal, kolesterol karkas. Kata kuci: broiler, feed additive herbal, lemak abdominal dan kolesterol Abstract This research is aimed at finding out how far the influence of orange waste juice (OWJ) and turmeric powder (TP) in the ration as the effort to reduce of abdominal fat, cholesterol and also to look for the optimal degree of OWJ-TP in the ration. A total of two hundred unsexed broiler chicks (Arbor Acres CP-707) were randomly allocated to six treatments groups given varying levels of OWJ-TP in the feeding for 42d. 0% WOJ-TP; 5% OWJ + 0% TP; 10% OWJ + 0% TP; 0% OWJ + 2% TP, 5% OWJ + 2% TP and 10%OWJ+ 2% TP and each was given notations: P0, P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5. Feed supplemented 0% OWJ+0%TP only was used as a control. The growth responses achieved by broiler from all groups complied with standards. But supplementation with 10% OWJ + 2% TP in feeding decreased feed intake and body weight broilers. The results showed that the allotment of ration with the degree of 10% OWJ + 2% TP (P4) on the age of 42 days apparently reduced the abdominal fat, cholesterol carcas. Result of the research summaried that the usage of increasing OWJ-TP apprently reduced the abdominal fat, cholesterol carcas. Key words: broiler, herbl feed additive, abdominal fat and cholesterol

Type: Book
Subjects: Q Science > Q Science (General)
Depositing User: Haroen
Date Deposited: 30 Apr 2018 03:29
Last Modified: 30 Apr 2018 03:29
URI: https://repository.unja.ac.id/id/eprint/4210

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