Trend of Land Cover Changes Using Landsat Imageries In Ecosystem Restoration Forest

Achmad, Eva and ULFA, MARIA and Simamora, Frengki (2016) Trend of Land Cover Changes Using Landsat Imageries In Ecosystem Restoration Forest. Proceedings The 2nd International Conference of Indonesian Society for Remote Sensing 2016 Remote Sensing for a Better Governance. ISSN 978­602­73620­1­7

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Ecosystem restoration is aimed to maintain and restore forest ecosystem back to its origin condition. Harapan Rainforest is the first ecosystem restoration site in Indonesia that has been declared by government in 2007 as production forest with special purpose. Hutan Harapan is lowland forest remains after HPH period which located in border areas of Jambi and South Sumatera Province. The importance of this research is basically concerned for the forest threatened by illegal logging, forest fires, and expansion of oil palm plantation. Assessment of landcover changes is needed to obtain information for decision maker for this ecosystem restoration sites to overcome such management problems like mention above. Landsat images were used from acquisition year of 1989, 2001, and 2013. Classification used was supervised with maximum likelihood method. Landcover type having changes was high dense of secondary forest that changed into low secondary forest, acacia forest, oil palm, and bareland. Oil palm plantation existed in change period of 20012013 with area of 9.179,86 hectares. These changes were triggered by human activities such as illegal logging, encroachment and forest fire.

Type: Article
Subjects: S Agriculture > SD Forestry
Depositing User: Achmad
Date Deposited: 11 May 2023 08:12
Last Modified: 11 May 2023 08:12

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