Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Android Disertai Quiz HOTS Berbantuan Smart Apps Creator Materi Keanekaragaman Hayati Kelas X SMA

Hutasoit, Dewi (2023) Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Android Disertai Quiz HOTS Berbantuan Smart Apps Creator Materi Keanekaragaman Hayati Kelas X SMA. S1 thesis, Universitas Jambi.

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Pertumbuhan dan laju teknologi yang semakin maju memberikan dampak terhadap aspek pendidikan dalam penggunaan media yang harus dirancang lebih kreatif dan inovatif agar dapat membantu siswa dalam kegiatan proses pembelajaran. Maka perlu dikembangkan media untuk mengatasi permasalahan terkait metode pembelajaran yang kurang bervariatif dalam pemanfaatan media yang berbasis ICT. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian R&D dengan model pengembangan 4D yang terdiri dari define, design, develop dan dessiminate. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan angket validasi ahli materi dan media agar diketahui kelayakan media, angket persepsi guru dan angket persepsi siswa yang disebar pada 6 siswa dikelompok kecil dan 24 siswa dikelompok besar, dan tes belajar kognitif yang dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 20 serta penyebaran melalui Youtube. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan melalui tahap validasi ahli materi sebanyak 2 kali diperoleh presentase sebesar 97,54% dengan kategori “Sangat Layak”, dilanjutkan dengan tahap validasi ahli media dilakukan tahap validasi sebanyak 2 kali diperoleh presentase sebesar 87,89% dengan kategori “Sangat Layak”. Hasil persepsi guru biologi didapatkan presentase sebesar 96,88% dengan kategori “Sangat Layak”. Hasil persepsi siswa kelompok kecil sebesar 92,27% dan kelompok besar 89,84% dengan keduanya diperoleh kategori “Sangat Layak”. Hasil uji efektivitas dengan menggunakan uji normalitas untuk kelas eksperimen nilai prestest 0,060 dan posttest 0,111 (> 0,05) dan kelas kontrol nilai pretest 0,238 dan posttest 0,066 (> 0,05) maka dari hasil diketahui populasi terdistribusi normal. Uji homogenitas didapatkan nilai pretest 0,878 dan posttest 0,663 (> 0,05) dari hasil ketahui bahwa populasi data homogen. Uji hipotesis didapatkan nilai sig. (2-tailed) 0,019 < 0,05 yang berarti Ho ditolak dan Ha maka terdapat perbedaan pada hasil belajar siswa antara kelas eksperimen dan kontrol. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan multimedia interaktif layak, praktis dan efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Lalu untuk penyebarluasan melalui platform Youtube diperoleh 150 kali ditonton, 78 suka dan 53 komentar. The growth and pace of increasingly advanced technology has an impact on educational aspects in the use of media which must be designed more creatively and innovatively so that it can assist students in learning process activities. So it is necessary to develop media to overcome problems related to learning methods that are less varied in the use of ICT-based media. This research is an R&D research with a 4D development model consisting of define, design, develop and disseminate. This type of research is qualitative and quantitative. The data collection instrument used a material and media expert validation questionnaire to determine the feasibility of the media, a teacher perception questionnaire and a student perception questionnaire which were distributed to 6 students in small groups and 24 students in large groups, and cognitive learning tests were analyzed using SPSS version 20 and dissemination via Youtube. The results showed that through the material expert validation stage 2 times, a percentage of 97.54% was obtained in the "Very Eligible" category, followed by the media expert validation stage, 2 times the validation stage obtained a percentage of 87.89% in the "Very Eligible" category. . The results of the biology teacher's perception obtained a percentage of 96.88% in the "Very Eligible" category. The results of the small group's perception of 92.27% and the large group's 89.84% with both obtained the "Very Eligible" category. The results of the effectiveness test using the normality test for the experimental class pretest value 0.060 and posttest 0.111 (> 0.05) and the control class pretest value 0.238 and posttest 0.066 (> 0.05) so from the results it is known that the population is normally distributed. The homogeneity test obtained a pretest value of 0.878 and a posttest of 0.663 (> 0.05) from the results of knowing that the data population is homogeneous. The hypothesis test obtained sig. (2-tailed) 0.019 <0.05 which means Ho is rejected and Ha means there is a difference in student learning outcomes between the experimental and control classes. So it can be concluded that the development of interactive multimedia is feasible, practical and effective in improving students' cognitive learning outcomes. Then for dissemination via the YouTube platform, 150 views were obtained, 78 likes and 53 comments.

Type: Thesis (S1)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Multimedia Interaktif, Android, HOTS, Smart Apps Creator, Keanekaragaman Hayati
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan > Pendidikan Biologi
Depositing User: HUTASOIT
Date Deposited: 24 May 2023 07:00
Last Modified: 24 May 2023 07:00

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