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Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Talang Gulo merupakan salah satu TPA di Kota Jambi yang menerapkan sistem pengelolaan sampah secara sanitary landfill dan open dumping. Namun sistem pengelolaan secara open dumping tidak beroperasi lagi karena diganti dengan sistem sanitary landfill. Proses penimbunan sampah pada lahan open dumping akan menghasilkan pencemar berupa air lindi. Hal ini berpotensi terjadinya pencemaran air sumur gali yang digunakan warga di sekitar TPA akibat rembesan dari air lindi yang mengandung logam berat. Air lindi yang memiliki sifat toxic dapat memberikan efek yaitu menurunnya kualitas air sumur gali di sekitarnya, sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis tingkat pencemaran logam berat kadmium, besi, kromium, dan tembaga pada air sumur gali di sekitar TPA Talang Gulo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pencemaran logam berat pada air sumur warga di sekitar TPA Talang Gulo Kota Jambi dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jarak air sumur warga dari TPA Talang Gulo Kota Jambi. Metode penelitian ini yaitu purposive dengan berdasarkan jarak 70 m, 230 m, dan 300 m dari lahan open dumping TPA Talang Gulo. Setiap jarak diambil 1 sampel, dengan total sampel yang diperoleh 3 sampel. Sampel akan diuji kandungan logam berat menggunakan Spektrofometer Serapan Atom (AAS) yang dilakukan di laboratorium Air Universitas Andalas. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan konsentrasi logam berat pada air sumur gali di sekitar TPA Talang Gulo Kota Jambi yang berjarak 70 m, 230 m, dan 300 m didapatkan konsentrasi logam kadmium sebesar 0,054 mg/L, 0,043 mg/L, 0,021 mg/L, konsentrasi logam besi sebesar 1,023 mg/L, 0,663 mg/L, 0,387 mg/L, konsentrasi logam kromium sebesar 0,062 mg/L, 0,046 mg/L, 0,038 mg/L, konsentrasi logam tembaga sebesar 0,509 mg/L, 0,0316 mg/L, 0,111 mg/L. Berdasarkan hasil yang didapatkan konsentrasi logam kadmium dan besi pada jarak 70 m, 230 m, dan 300 m sudah melebihi baku mutu N.J.A.C dan Permenkes No. 02 Tahun 2023. Nilai konsentrasi logam kromium sudah melebihi baku N.J.A.C pada jarak 70 m, 230 m, dan 300 m, sedangkan berdasarkan baku mutu Permenkes No. 02 Tahun 2023 konsentrasi logam kromium di jarak 70 m melebihi baku mutu dan jarak 230 m dan 300 m masih berada di bawah standar baku mutu. Nilai konsentrasi logam tembaga yang didapatkan pada jarak 70 m, 230 m, dan 300 m masih berada di bawah standar baku mutu N.J.A.C. Hasil analisis menggunakan indeks pencemaran C/P dengan jarak 70 m, 230 m, dan 300 m pada logam kadmium berdasarkan N.J.A.C sebesar 13,5, 10,75, dan 5,25, berdasarkan Permenkes No. 02 Tahun 2023 sebesar 18, 14,3, dan 7 termasuk kategori teramat sangat tercemar dan tercemar sangat berat. Nilai indeks C/P logam besi berdasarkan N.J.A.C sebesar 3,41, 2,21, dan 1,29, berdasarkan Permenkes No. 02 Tahun 2023 sebesar 5,12, 3,32, dan 1,94 termasuk kategori cukup tercemar. Indeks logam kromium berdasarkan N.J.A.C sebesar 0,886, 0,657, dan 0,543, berdasarkan Permenkes No. 02 Tahun 2023 sebesar 1,24, 0,92, dan 0,76 termasuk kategori terkontaminasi sangat berat dan sedikit tercemar. Nilai indeks C/P logam tembaga berdasarkan N.J.A.C sebesar 0,392, 0,243, dan 0,085, berdasarkan Permenkes No. 02 Tahun 2023 sebesar 0,255, 0,158, 0,056 tingkat C/P termasuk kategori cukup terkontaminasi. Pengaruh jarak air sumur gali dari lahan open dumping TPA Talang Gulo Kota Jambi menggunakan regresi linear sederhana. Hasil yang didapat yaitu nilai R pada logam kadmium sebesar 0,92, logam besi nilai R yang didapat sebesar 0,99, logam kromium nilai R yang didapat sebesar 0,99, dan yang terakhir pada logam tembaga nilai R yang didapat sebesar 0,97. Berdasarkan nilai R dari ke empat logam menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh sangat tinggi terhadap jarak sumur gali warga dari lahan open dumping TPA. Sehingga adanya zat pencemar berupa logam berat kadmium, besi, kromium, dan tembaga dalam air sumur gali. Mengingat konsentrasi logam kadmium, besi, kromium yang melebihi standar baku mutu, namun ada satu logam yang masih di bawah standar baku mutu. Disarankan bagi masyarakat yang bermukim di sekitar TPA untuk tidak langsung menggunakan air sumur gali tanpa dilakukan pengelolaan terlebih dahulu karena air sumurnya telah tercemar oleh logam kadmium, besi, dan kromium serta telah terkontaminasi oleh logam tembaga. SUMMARY Talang Gulo Final Disposal Site (TPA) is one of the TPAs in Jambi City that implements a waste management system using sanitary landfill and open dumping. However, the open dumping management system no longer operates because it was replaced with a sanitary landfill system. The process of storing waste in open dumping areas will produce pollutants in the form of leachate. This has the potential to cause contamination of dug well water used by residents around the landfill due to seepage of leachate containing heavy metals. Leachate water which has toxic properties can have the effect of decreasing the quality of dug well water in the surrounding area, so it is necessary to analyze the level of pollution from the heavy metal cadmium, iron, chromium and copper in dug well water around Talang Gulo Landfill. This research aims to determine the level of heavy metal pollution in residents' well water around the Talang Gulo TPA, Jambi City and to determine the influence of the distance of residents' well water from the Talang Gulo TPA, Jambi City. This research method is purposive based on distances of 70 m, 230 m and 300 m from the Talang Gulo TPA open dumping area. One sample was taken for each distance, with a total of 3 samples obtained. Samples will be tested for heavy metal content using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) carried out at the Andalas University Water Laboratory. In this study, heavy metal concentrations were found in dug well water around the Talang Gulo TPA, Jambi City, which are 70 m, 230 m and 300 m away, cadmium metal concentrations were 0.054 mg/L, 0.043 mg/L, 0.021 mg/L, concentrations iron metal was 1.023 mg/L, 0.663 mg/L, 0.387 mg/L, chromium metal concentration was 0.062 mg/L, 0.046 mg/L, 0.038 mg/L, copper metal concentration was 0.509 mg/L, 0.0316 mg /L, 0.111 mg/L. Based on the results obtained, the concentrations of cadmium and iron metals at distances of 70 m, 230 m and 300 m have exceeded the N.J.A.C quality standards and Minister of Health Regulation No. 02 of 2023. The concentration value of chromium metal has exceeded the N.J.A.C standard at distances of 70 m, 230 m and 300 m, while based on the quality standards of Minister of Health Regulation No. 02 of 2023, the concentration of chromium metal at a distance of 70 m exceeds the quality standard and distances of 230 m and 300 m are still below the quality standard. The copper metal concentration values obtained at distances of 70 m, 230 m and 300 m are still below the N.J.A.C quality standards. The results of the analysis using the C/P pollution index with a distance of 70 m, 230 m, and 300 m on cadmium metal based on N.J.A.C are 13.5, 10.75, and 5.25, based on Minister of Health Regulation No. 02 of 2023 of 18, 14.3, and 7 are included in the very very polluted and very heavily polluted categories. The C/P index values for ferrous metals based on N.J.A.C are 3.41, 2.21 and 1.29, based on Minister of Health Regulation No. 02 of 2023 of 5.12, 3.32 and 1.94, including the moderately polluted category. The chromium metal index based on N.J.A.C is 0.886, 0.657 and 0.543, based on Minister of Health Regulation No. 02 of 2023 of 1.24, 0.92 and 0.76, including the categories of very heavily contaminated and slightly contaminated. The C/P index values for copper metal based on N.J.A.C are 0.392, 0.243 and 0.085, based on Minister of Health Regulation No. 02 of 2023 of 0.255, 0.158, 0.056 C/P levels including the moderately contaminated category. The influence of the distance of dug well water from the open dumping area of Talang Gulo TPA, Jambi City using simple linear regression. The results obtained are that the R value for cadmium metal is 0.92, for iron metal the R value obtained is 0.99, for chromium metal the R value obtained is 0.99, and finally for copper metal the R value obtained is 0.97. Based on the R value of the four metals, it shows that there is a very high influence on the distance of residents' dug wells from the open dumping landfill area. So there are contaminants in the form of heavy metals cadmium, iron, chromium and copper in dug well water. Considering that the metal concentrations of cadmium, iron and chromium exceed the quality standard standards, there is one metal that is still below the quality standard standards. It is recommended for people who live around the landfill not to directly use dug well water without prior management because the well water has been contaminated by cadmium, iron and chromium metals and has been contaminated by copper metal.

Type: Thesis (S1)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: TPA Open Dumping, Air Sumur, Logam Berat, Regresi Linear.
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Lingkungan
Depositing User: Gayatri
Date Deposited: 20 Dec 2023 06:46
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2023 06:46
URI: https://repository.unja.ac.id/id/eprint/58990

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