Development of Learning Media Based on Adobe Flash Cs3 Program at the Lesson “Introduction Economic and Business” in Public Vocational High School (SMKN) 5 Jambi City

Khairinal, Khairinal and Suratno, Suratno and Sri Dwi, Jayanti (2018) Development of Learning Media Based on Adobe Flash Cs3 Program at the Lesson “Introduction Economic and Business” in Public Vocational High School (SMKN) 5 Jambi City. SJHHS, Website:, 3 (1A). pp. 47-56. ISSN 2415-6256 (Print), 2415-6248 (Online)

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Abstract: Learning in SMKN 5 Jambi city took place with conventional methods suspected causes of students tend to be passive in learning. For that sought the effort to change the method of learning that can make students active. The research aims to: 1) To study the procedure of developing instructional media based on adobe flash CS3 program. 2) To study adobe flash CS3 program-based learning media that is feasible to use. Research type is research and development with reference to Lee and Owens development model that is ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Develpoment, Impelementation and Evaluationi). The subjects of the study were the students of class X in SMKN 5 Jambi city totaling 22 students. Instruments used: Observation, questionnaires, evaluation of media experts, evaluation of materials experts, media evaluation by teachers of study, media evaluation by students, and pretest and posttest questions. Research findings obtained: first: the analysis phase. Student needs analysis on learning media, second: design stage, making of media design that is storyboard, third: development stage, manufacture of media product, in form of typing and revision from experts, fourth: implementation phase, product trial, fifth: evaluation phase, based on questionnaires of media experts, materials, teachers and students can be concluded that the learning media has decent criteria. Result of research that, 1) The development of instructional media based on adobe flash CS3 program on economic and business introduction subject, done systematically by fulfilling the development model of ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation). 2) Learning media based on CS3 developed adobe flash program is feasible to be used and can improve the effectiveness of student learning on economic and business introduction subjects. From result of validation test of instructional media conclude: 1) expert validation result that is validation of content or material obtained by 87% very decent category, 2) result of media expert validation obtained by 85% decent category, 3) result of teacher study field is obtained equal to 88 % category is very feasible, and 4) the results of the assessment of the students obtained by 90% very feasible category. Development of instructional media of adobe flash program is done systematic model of ADDIE and Development of learning media can improve result of learning post-test resultis 73%. Keywords: Learning media, adobe flash CS3 program.

Type: Article
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Depositing User: Khairinal
Date Deposited: 17 Dec 2018 03:06
Last Modified: 17 Dec 2018 03:06

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