Evaluasi Status Hara Makro Primer Tanah Gambut di Areal Pengembangan Tanaman Kopi Liberika (Coffea liberica) di Desa Jati Mulyo Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur

Wicaksono, Muhammad Fakhri Zufar and Antony, Dedy (2024) Evaluasi Status Hara Makro Primer Tanah Gambut di Areal Pengembangan Tanaman Kopi Liberika (Coffea liberica) di Desa Jati Mulyo Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur. S1 thesis, UNIVERSITAS UNJA.

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Kebutuhan unsur hara yang diperlukan tanaman untuk pertumbuhan dan produksinya ditentukan oleh kemampuan tanah dalam menyediakan unsur hara bagi tanaman dan tidak selalu dapat terpenuhi. Pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman sering kali terhambat karena ketersediaan unsur hara tersebut di dalam tanah tidak mencukupi kebutuhan tanaman. Kesuburan tanah merupakan kemampuan tanah dalam menyediakan unsur hara yang cukup dan berimbang untuk mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Jati Mulyo, Kecamatan Dendang, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur, Provinsi Jambi. Analisis sampel tanah dilakukan di PT. Binasawit Makmur, Samperna Agro Tbk. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode survey dengan luasan areal 201 ha. Penetapan titik sampel berdasarkan satuan lahan homogen (SLH) yaitu Kedalaman gambut, Kematangan Gambut dan Tinggi Muka Air tanah gambut. Data yang dihasilkan dari pengamatan yaitu kedalaman gambut, kematangan gambut dan tinggi muka air sesaat. Data analisis laboratorium yang dihasilkan yaitu N-total, P-total, K-total, P-tersedia dan K-dd. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada lokasi penelitian sebagian besar memiliki kandungan unsur hara yang baik sehingga termasuk kedalam kelas kesesuaian lahan sesuai hingga sangat sesuai untuk pengembangan kopi liberika. Unsur hara N-total, P tersedia, dan K-dd pada tanah gambut di lokasi penelitian sudah termasuk kedalam kelas kesesuaian lahan sesuai hingga sangat sesuai, Unsur hara P-total dan K-total pada tanah gambut di lokasi penelitian terdapat beberapa titik yang memiliki kandungan unsur hara yang rendah hingga sangat rendah. Kata Kunci: kopi liberika, tanah gambut, kesuburan tanah, unsur hara, dan kesesuaian lahan The nutrient requirements required by plants for their growth and production are determined by the ability of the soil to provide nutrients for plants and cannot always be met. Plant growth and productivity are often hampered because the availability of these nutrients in the soil is not sufficient for plant needs. Soil fertility is the ability of the soil to provide sufficient and balanced nutrients to support plant growth. This research was conducted in Jati Mulyo Village, Dendang District, Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency, Jambi Province. Soil sample analysis was conducted at PT. Binasawit Makmur, Samperna Agro Tbk. This research was conducted using a survey method with an area of 201 ha. Determination of sample points based on homogeneous land units (SLH), namely Peat Depth, Peat Maturity and Peat Groundwater Level. The data generated from observations are peat depth, peat maturity and instantaneous water level. The laboratory analysis data produced were N-total, P-total, K-total, P-available and K-dd. The results showed that most of the research locations had good nutrient content so that they were included in the land suitability class from suitable to very suitable for the development of liberica coffee. The N-total, P-available, and K-dd nutrients in peat soil at the research location were included in the land suitability class from suitable to very suitable. The P-total and K-total nutrients in peat soil at the research location had several points that had low to very low nutrient content. Keywords: liberica coffee, peat soil, soil fertility, nutrient, and land suitability

Type: Thesis (S1)
Uncontrolled Keywords: liberica coffee, peat soil, soil fertility, nutrient, and land suitability
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: WICAKSONO
Date Deposited: 06 Dec 2024 03:10
Last Modified: 06 Dec 2024 03:10
URI: https://repository.unja.ac.id/id/eprint/72474

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