Study on sustainability status of smallholder oil palm plantations Jambi Province, Sumatra Indonesia

Rosyani, Rosyani and Edison, H and Asmadi, Asmadi (2019) Study on sustainability status of smallholder oil palm plantations Jambi Province, Sumatra Indonesia. IOP Conference Series, 314 (-). IOP Publishing, Indonesia. ISBN -

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Official URL: doi:10.1088/1755-1315/314/1/012055


The growth of oil palm plantations in Indonesia is growing rapidly. Issues of oil palm plantations that are not environmentally friendly are continuously exposed. The purposes of this research are, 1) To determine the role of smallholder in managing oil palm plantations, 2) To analyse the status of sustainability of oil palm plantations, 3) To find sensitive attributes that affect the sustainability of smallholder oil palm plantation management. Analysis method is to answer the first objective which is done descriptively, the second objectives was conducted with MDS approach, with Rappalm, third objectives are to analyse attribute lever was conducted with Leverage analyse. The result of the research is that smallholders can cultivate oil palm plantations. The status of sustainability indicated a very sustainable status (80.41), meaning that economic factors and social factors leverage ecological factors to be sustainable. This means that smallholder should improve the pattern of oil palm crop farming, with lever attributes, namely tree planting among islands of oil palm (plot scale). The integration of sensitive attributes, with the economic dimension and social dimension, produced a research output which have provide solutions sustainability of the smallholder oil palm plantation.

Type: Book
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
Divisions: ?? sch_hum ??
Depositing User: Edison
Date Deposited: 20 Dec 2019 01:35
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2019 01:35

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